Interested in working with the SMARTer Growth lab?
To join Dr. Lovegrove’s SMARTer Growth Research team, sign into the UBC Okanagan Job Board and look for our postings under the “Work Study” section of the “Jobs” tab.
*NOTE: Due to the high volume of inquiries, the SMARTer Growth is not able to respond to individual applications made by email. Please do not contact Dr. Lovegrove directly with CV materials or applications as these requests will go unanswered; instead, apply to UBC Okanagan. All applications must be made directly with the UBC Okanagan College of Graduate Studies to ensure that the process is open and fair to all interested applicants.
Dr. Lovegrove is always looking for exceptional graduate students to join his team at the MASc, Ph.D., and Post-Doctoral levels. However, he cannot accept everyone who applies; therefore, PLEASE NOTE all candidates applying to join his research team will demonstrate explicitly, as part of their application/covering letter, how they meet the following criteria:
- Award-winning achievements in scholastic, research, and/or community service
- Excellent and fluent English language skills (written, oral, comprehension)
- Above 90% academic standing in university studies to date
- A passion for sustainable communities and transport safety
- Your funding expectations are reasonable, including that you can self-fund in part through successful scholarships and/or other self-support, and that you do not expect Dr. Lovegrove to provide more than 50% funding (please keep in mind that a typical student needs a total of $18,000 CDN per year to study at UBC).
If you meet these criteria, please apply to be trained and supervised by Dr. Lovegrove in one of the following research areas:
- Railway systems planning and engineering
- Sustainable land use & transportation design and implementation
- Social cost-benefit analyses and planning of sustainable communities
- Knowledge-based system development (computer algorithms and programming)
- Development & application of community-based, macro-level collision prediction models
- Development & application of bicycle safety and comfort, macro-level collision prediction models
- Microprocessor-based inertial sensor and 3D video data capture for bike/pedestrian on/off-road paths